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Frameless Windows

On this page you'll learn how to create frameless windows with custom decorations.


A "frameless" windows is a window which hides the default window buttons & handle assigned to it by the operating system.


You can use the set_decorations method to remove the window frame.

Example: Removing Window Frame
#include <saucer/smartview.hpp>

int main()
auto app = saucer::application::acquire({
.id = "frameless",

saucer::smartview smartview{{
.application = app,

smartview.set_title("Hello World!");


smartview.expose("add_ten", [](int i)
return i + 10;



return 0;

Move & Resize

A frameless window can not be resized or moved by default. However, saucer supports the HTML Attributes data-webview-drag and data-webview-resize which can be used to conveniently add support for custom drag areas or resize-handles.

In the following example I'll demonstrate how to use the aforementioned methods to make a custom titlebar.

Sketch: Custom Titlebar
<div id="my_awesome_titlebar" data-webview-drag>
<!-- ... -->

Now let's also add a resize handle in the bottom right corner.

Sketch: Custom Resize Handle
<div id="my_awesome_titlebar" data-webview-drag>
<!-- ... -->

<div id="my_awesome_resize_handle" data-webview-resize="br">
<!-- ... -->

As you can see data-webview-resize requires a value, in this case br.
The value should correspond to a window edge, here br is equal to bottom-right.

The following edges are defined:


The data-webview-resize attribute should use the short-form of the given edges, e.g. top-left as tl.


Should an element trigger a move / resize when it shouldn't (this can happen if the given element is a child of a parent with special attributes), you can give it the data-webview-ignore attribute.
This will prevent clicks on this element from triggering any move or resize.