On this page you'll learn how to install saucer through any of the officially supported ways.
Saucer requires a C++23 capable compiler!
In case you encounter any errors while building please make sure to update your compiler.
To get started choose your desired installation method below.
- CMake
- Pre-Built
I recommend CPM for managing dependencies with CMake.
Please refer to their docs on how to install it.
NAME saucer
Now you can simply link your project against saucer.
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} [PRIVATE|PUBLIC] saucer::saucer)
This method is strongly discouraged, please consider using CMake instead!
The GitHub workflows automatically produce a pre-built artifact for Windows.
In case you are using Visual Studio without CMake you may consider using this.
Please note however, that this method is not officially supported so please do not ask for support on this matter.